Please state Full Legal Name
First Name
Last Name
Preferred Name
Business Name
Please state if you are a riding school / business.
Where did you hear about us?
Google search
Referral from friend
Referral from previous client
National Equine Show
The Equestrian Business Awards
The Equestrian Entrepreneurs Network
Derby College Equestrian
Equipt App
If you selected 'Other', or from a 'Previous client' please give details.
Business / House Address
* Will be needed to create contract if you decide to have a package with us. Please state full house address and postcode.
Contact Number
PLEASE NOTE: you will need to have or download 'WhatsApp,' as we will use this during the package.
Medical / Disability
Please state if you have any medical conditions or disabilities we would need to be aware of for your horse search or that may require us to reasonably adapt how we work in order to support you. If you do not have any please state 'NONE / NOT APPLICABLE .'
Your statistics - Height, Weight and Age
Why do we need this? We need this information to be able to liaise with sellers for suitable horses. Information would only be given in brief where possible: If we need to disclose fully we would not do so without your consent.
Please state the age range of horses you would consider. e.g 6-12
Height Range
e.g 14.2-15.2hh
Please state breeds accepted and any breeds/types you do not wish to consider.
Backed / Unbacked
Will not be Ridden
Please tick any relevant to you and state any specific requirements in additional information further down the form.
Show Jumping
Pleasure Rides
Medical History / Conditions
Please state if you are willing to accept any medical conditions or medical history with a new horse.
Please state the distance you are willing to travel to find your new horse. Exclusivia has a minimum radius of 3 hours from where you are located in a search range - for more rural areas / Scotland / far corners of the UK this would be more.
Our Equine Agents will search your full budget range from low to high unless you specify otherwise ( we do not work on commission).
Tick the box that best describes you.
First Time Buyer (Never bought or owned a horse before)
It has been a long time period since I bought my last horse
I have bought / viewed / vetted horses recently and it has not worked out.
Experienced equestrian that understands the buying process
Receipts for deposits and proof of purchase are vital documents and a legal document. We offer templates for these designed by our solicitors as well as a Exclusivia guide to viewing a horse. For more information please speak with an Equine Agent. This is a bolt on package we offer - so you can tailor the support you require.
Will not be vetted
Stage 2 - I do not need support with this
Stage 5 - I do not need support with this
Stage 2 - I would need Exclusivia to help
Stage 5 - I would need Exclusivia to help
I would like to discuss support with this on the phone
Please state if you will need support with transport quotes for getting your new horse home. This is a bolt on package we offer - so you can tailor the support you require.
I have my own Transport
I can arrange Transport myself
I would like Exclusivia to support with this
I would like to discuss this on the phone
Exclusivia can support with deposit receipts and purchase of horse receipts templates. Receipts are important and a legal document. For more information please speak with an Equine Agent. This is a bolt on package we offer - so you can tailor the support you require.
Yes I would be interested in Templates and paperwork
I would like to discuss this on the phone
No i do not need support with this
About you as an Equestrian
Please tell us about you; have you owned horses before? Is this your first horse? Perhaps had a bad experience buying in the past? or been out of the equine market for quite a while. Feel free to tell us anything you think may be relevant.
Rider Level
Complete Beginner
Additional Information Rider Level
Please state any additional information you may feel would benefit us to know to help you in the search
Riding photos and Videos
It always helps to share photos and video's especially of your to help our Equine Agent evaluate your riding. These are confidential and would not be shared unless you asked us to or gave us permission. If you are happy to share please send us these on WhatsApp.
Yes I am happy to share photos Videos
No I do not wish to share photos Videos
How long have you been searching?
Please tell us a timescale you have been looking / if you have not started yet. Any details of where you have been searching are beneficial.
Additional horse requirements
e.g any specifics that the horse MUST have and you are flexible on. E.g. must have experience showing / good to hack in traffic / flexible on color of horse.
Availability for Viewing Horses
Please state your available times for viewing horses, e.g evenings, weekends, days, or anytime.
Book a phone call appointment
Please state suitable times you would be looking at to book a phone call appointment. Please note; there is no pressure to come onboard at any time or at the end of the phone call. We book calls in due to the amount of information provided and being able to answer any questions. Please allow up to 20minutes.
Any time
Days only
Evenings only
Weekends only
By SMS / email / whats app
I have already spoken with an Equine Agent on the phone and wish to sign up.
Dates of unavailability / Holidays
Please state dates / times you wish to package to be paused if you are not available / anything you need to make us aware of, e.g you work nights. Please note if you can only view on weekends you will need to make this clear as may affect your allocated package. If you have any questions regards this please speak with your allocated Agent.
Start Date
Please give us an idea of a potential start date you would be considering. We take pre-bookings if you do not wish to start straight away (e.g if you have a holiday booked / moving house etc). A deposit would be needed to secure your place (date can be moved within reason, please speak with an Equine Agent if you are unsure).
Communication and role.
I understand and acknowledge by ticking this box when I sign up with Exclusivia I have a key duty to have timely communication with the Agent with being a 'live' search process. I will need to be able to respond to the Equine Agent within a few hours of horses being sent to me (unless you have already notified the Agent prior of any unavailability). Should I fail to reply I may miss out on first viewings / horses. I acknowledge that should I not respond to an agent at all within 48 hours my package will be be paused (put on hold), until further communication is received, and after 7 days will be terminated / could be potentially moved to a different date. During the 7 days an agent or representative would WhatsApp / email / call and make effort to get in touch with me. Exclusivia understands there may be emergencies / situations and will be accommodating for reasonable adjustments where necessary. Should I change my mind or find a horse myself (say through a friend or at my yard etc), I will let the allocated Agent know as soon as possible so the Package can be finished. I acknowledge and understand that Exclusivia is not party, responsible, connected or liable to any sale of horses from private or trade sales, or purchases clients make from them. The service fee is a marketing and administration fee only and they do not add or take any commission from any horse purchases or sales of horses.
By ticking this box I consent to giving Exclusivia my personal information which will be stored in line with GDPR and deleted if and when no longer required.
PLEASE NOTE; we always respond to enquiries. Please check your JUNK and SPAM box's as depending on your email settings/ email host they can sometimes go into the other inbox. We are also available on WhatsApp at any time should you wish to follow up if you have any issues with emails.