Business Partnerships

Exclusivia is looking for more business’s to join our current list of companies who would be interested in collaborating. Whether you can offer a business code discount or alternative to our clients in relation to them or their new horse, or perhaps a service that applies to equestrian yards as well for traders who produce and sell - we are open to ideas and negotiations. Would you like to get involved? Whether your equestrian business is a service, product or venue get in touch to see how we can work together!

Did you know we also do Small Business Saturday each week?

Exclusivia is BIG on business to business (B2B), specially small business’s - after all we all have had to start somewhere. This is why we do Small Business Saturday where we post about your page, and tag you in, completely FREE! It gives you a wider audience, and potential new clients with equestrians from all over the UK following our page and other businesses. All we ask in return is you follow Exclusivia' Equine Agents page, and share the post we tag you in! Book now - Whatsapp 07428620745 for the next available saturday space!

See venue, partners and events below we already have collaborated with.

Exclusivia are verified with Equinnect

So you know any business with us is safe and secure!

Click on the photo to view the full Equinnect profile for Exclusivia. If you are a business you can also use our discount code for a full years membership with 40% off. Code: EEA40

You can also see an interview blog here with Equinnect.

Join the Equestrian Entrepreneurs Network

Meet like minded Businesses owners in the equestrian industry! Featuring B2B support, free webinars, tools, tips and so much more! - FREE! Click on the image below to be taken to the page, and you can also join our online group.

Derby College Equestrian Centre

Abby Farm Equestrian Centre